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서울대학교 외국어교육 연구소 및 Anaheim University 주최 특별 강연 안내
작성자 : 박선호 등록일시 : 2011-08-04
첨부파일 :

* 서울대학교 외국어교육 연구소 및 Anaheim University 주최 특별 강연 안내

1. 강연자: Rod Ellis (Anaheim University and University of Auckland)

2. 제   목: A Typology of Corrective Feedback Types
3. 일   시: 2008년 6월 17일 (화요일) 11:00
4. 장   소: 서울대학교 교육정보관 (10-1동) 101호
5. 강의개요
How teachers correct second language (L2) students' writing is a topic that has attracted enormous interest from researchers and teachers alike. 

However, as a recent review of feedback on L2 students' writing (Hyland and Hyland, 2006) makes clear, despite all the research there are still no clear answers to the questions researchers have addressed. 

In this talk I examine the various options (both familiar and less familiar) for correcting students' written work. I will focus on just one kind of correction - the correction of linguistic errors - and consider studies that have examined the different options by way of illustrating how they have been investigated and the limitations in the research to date. 

I will argue that identifying the options in a systematic way is essential for both determining whether written corrective feedback is effective and, if it is, what kind of corrective feedback is most effective. 

이전글 중등영어교사 임용 개선에 관한 공청회 안내
다음글 Invitation to 2008 KATE International Conference